'Smart Homes' Are Still Catching Up to Cloud Living
In an era when cars can parallel park themselves, cell phones can talk and drones can take video, it’s not surprising that “smart homes” might be the next step in our “connected” lives.
Smart home gadgets are poised to be the next big things—sales of smart gadgets are expected to exceed 36 million units in the next two years, according to Park Associates Research Firm.
But can the technology used to turn our homes into wireless nerve centers stand up to the challenge?
Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/smart-homes-catching-cloud-living/story?id=28730604
Smart home gadgets are poised to be the next big things—sales of smart gadgets are expected to exceed 36 million units in the next two years, according to Park Associates Research Firm.
But can the technology used to turn our homes into wireless nerve centers stand up to the challenge?
Read more: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/smart-homes-catching-cloud-living/story?id=28730604