Use-Case is the Primary Driver Behind AV Distribution Design

It wasn’t that long ago that enterprise AV distribution was truly point-to-point: signals traveled between one conference room to another. The widespread application of BYOD, combined with the variety of dial-in options (e.g., Skype) has altered the meeting landscape, however, often depriving tech managers of full control over the systems for which they’re responsible.

“Even as recently as three years ago, when people would meet [in a videoconferencing environment], there would be a team of people in New York, a team of people in L.A., and a team of people in Paris. What happens today is that there will be a team of people in New York, one or two people in L.A., and one or two people in Paris, and they may not sit in for the full duration of the meeting—they may be required as subject matter experts for 15 or 20 minutes,” illustrated Brad Sousa, senior vice president of enterprise technologies at AVI Systems Inc., an AV systems integration firm headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minn. He says that connecting Point A to Points B and C has transformed into a “spoke” design, presenting a number of challenges to tech managers. “You want that ubiquity, you want to be able to connect to anybody, anywhere, but the problem is, when you start connecting anyone, anywhere, you have no control over that other end. It can give the semblance that the system is failing, but in reality it’s just an incompatibility issue with what’s happening on the other side.”

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