On the House: Deciphering trends and what we really desire
Instead, the technological revolution, WiFi, Kindles, smartphones, and cloud storage have decluttered these spaces into stripped-down functionality, the experts say.
Demand for home automation is driving many of these changes.
Architects say that wireless telecommunications and data systems, long-range electrical controls/smart-home systems, and automated lighting controls are in demand.
With consumers generally more comfortable with emerging technologies, and the prices of many of these falling as production volumes increase, home automation should increase.
Read more: http://articles.philly.com/2014-11-16/real_estate/56395498_1_home-automation-kermit-baker-index
Demand for home automation is driving many of these changes.
Architects say that wireless telecommunications and data systems, long-range electrical controls/smart-home systems, and automated lighting controls are in demand.
With consumers generally more comfortable with emerging technologies, and the prices of many of these falling as production volumes increase, home automation should increase.
Read more: http://articles.philly.com/2014-11-16/real_estate/56395498_1_home-automation-kermit-baker-index