Easy start to home automation
Over the past couple of months we have been testing and writing about several devices that fit together well for simple home automation and allow for a lot of expansion should you desire it. The key to getting started in home automation is picking vendors and communication systems that are robust and unlikely to disappear in the next couple of years. Anyone who got into the X-10 devices can attest to the sadness and frustration that can come when something just doesn't work consistently and then gets completely left behind when something better comes along. We were very cognizant of finding vendors that would provide great support and products that were exciting but also very dependable.
Read more: http://www.dailyrecord.com/story/tech/personal-tech/domesti-tech/2015/07/31/easy-start-to-home-automation/30944847/
Read more: http://www.dailyrecord.com/story/tech/personal-tech/domesti-tech/2015/07/31/easy-start-to-home-automation/30944847/