Smarter Bulb For Home Security

You may already be stocking up on timers and lights for the holiday season, if not for decorations, for home security. After decades of wall socket timers and manually figuring out when the lights should be on, aren’t we all ready for the intelligent house of the future to be here already? The tech industry is abuzz with the Internet of Things (IoT) vision of how devices, appliances and electronics might better communicate with to better improve power efficiency, improve security or simply make our lives easier. I wrote about some of the possibilities of IoT and smart technologies in There is More Value in the IoT Economy than Big Data Analytics. But how about starting with something simple as the light bulb? BeON Home’s new smart bulb might just put a shine on it.

While light bulbs have evolved with better halogen, fluorescent and LED bulbs, they focused on improving energy efficiency one bulb at a time. They are still slaves to the light switch.

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