Exploding usage and outlets for connecting technology with consumers has the 2014 video surveillance market booming
In 1929, Hungarian author Frigyes Karinthy proposed the theory that the modern world was “shrinking” due to ever-increasing connectedness of human beings. He believed that any two individuals could be connected through at most five acquaintances, which is the original version of six degrees of separation. That was before the Internet, social media, and technological advancements that make the big world seem so much smaller today. Flash forward to 2014 and video has its own six degrees of separation — or rather, connection — within the industry. More and more conversations, projects, needs, and interactions with security are linking back to video.
Read more: http://www.sdmmag.com/articles/89989-state-of-the-market-video-surveillance
Read more: http://www.sdmmag.com/articles/89989-state-of-the-market-video-surveillance