Speaker Lightbulbs Latest Offering in Home Automation Trend

Home automation, once the wave of the future, is becoming more and more mainstream as tech giants like Google, Amazon and Samsung jump on the bandwagon in product development. Sample consumer options in this burgeoning market include the Hue Light Bulb by Philips, the Amazon Echo, which connects to the cloud, the independently funded Indiegogo development of Buddy Robot and the latest, a smart lightbulb and HD speaker in one.

LightFreq Square2, an Indiegogo project led by Devon Alli, has been hailed as "the smartest lightbulb with sex appeal," boasting 16 million colors to set the mood and tone of the room, as well as a whole house intercom system and high quality audio and streaming capabilities.

Read more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ashley-wren-collins/speaker-lightbulbs-latest_b_7845820.html

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